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Here at Plastic Sheets, just like on eBay, we charge a standard commission for selling your products.

Our commission is taken from the price the customer pays for your product, so remember that you can include this commission cost in the price you advertise. We do not deduct commission from carriage. The money that you receive for carriage is the full value paid by the buyer.  

The reason we charge commission is to cover the costs we incur for the website. We have dedicated staff in charge of administration, marketing and advertising of the site. We also have the costs of site promotion, and of ongoing design and maintenance of the website. 

If you have any questions or comments about our commission charge please do get in touch with us. We are always looking for ways to improve the site and to keep our Partners happy, and if we don't get your feedback then we cannot improve. 



The required VAT is charged at the current rate and is added on to a customers purchase at the checkout. We at Plastic Sheets will retain the VAT on our commission (under our obligations to HMRC), and you will receive the rest of the the buyers payment. Thus, the money we transfer to you will be inclusive of the price you have charged for the product (minus our commission), the delivery charge, and the VAT on those items. 

It is your responsibility to honour your VAT obligations to HMRC on every product you sell through our site and for the carriage.

For clarity, the "Advice of Sale" which is available to you on the website, displays a breakdown of these costs for each transaction.

As Plastic Sheets acts as an agent between our Partners and our customers, if the customer is based outside of the UK they are exempt from UK VAT obligations. The only VAT payable is by Plastic Sheets on their commission. Neither the Partner nor the overseas customer have VAT obligations on such transactions. 

For more information about VAT see the HM Revenue & Customs website. 
